Going to London to Sing with Julie Andrews!

Daneryl Weber
4 min readDec 12, 2021

In my dreams, of course . . .

I had the coolest dream last night. It wasn’t just a cool dream, though — it was one of those dreams with a key message. While I was still half asleep, I went over all the details in my head and realized what the dream was trying to tell me about my own life. I’m sharing it here to ask you the same question it asked me about yours.

I was a member of a women’s chorus. Maybe a college chorus, or just women in general, but in any case, Julie Andrews had taken over as our director.

Lately, though, I hadn’t been attending very regularly. I’d missed a lot of rehearsals because of work, and at some point at the beginning of the dream, I realized they had planned a trip to London and it was coming up SOON.

Soon, as in: I would have to be at the airport the next morning for the 8 am flight if I wanted to go on that trip.

How did I miss this, I wondered? How did I not realize until now that we were planning to go to London?

At first I scoffed at the idea. It was too short notice, there’s no way I can go, I have to work, I haven’t planned — and I have a new puppy. What am I going to do with the puppy?

I wondered, too, whether they’d given us adequate notice. Had I just missed it? Or had no one prepped us for this trip? I looked over the itinerary, but there were no specific instructions, no earlier messages.



Daneryl Weber

Trying to be a better human, at the intersection of politics and spirituality