Daneryl Weber
May 5, 2021


The metaphor I have used is that they are human cancer cells. They consume everything, are unable to stop, and will eventually kill their host. Just as we are actually doing--or more accurately, as you point out, allowing them to do. Humans are the skin cancer of the earth.

I think, though, that it's more than the fact that money makes them feel safe. Money makes them feel superior. Wealth hoarders need more than others, they need to feel better than everyone else, they need to have more to believe they are good enough, to feel worthy.

But (as we witnessed for the last four years), having ALL of it wouldn't be enough. That psychic black hole may be the destruction of the human species.

The billionaire mind-set is deadly to democracy, not to mention other humans and the entire planet.



Daneryl Weber

Trying to be a better human, at the intersection of politics and spirituality