Daneryl Weber
1 min readDec 5, 2021


Yesterday I saw a fun thread on twitter: someone asked, if money were no object, would you still work? The answers were amazing. Almost everyone gave the same answer I did: they would work, but not in their current job. They would rescue dogs, design affordable houses for the homeless, write books and songs, bake for the hungry, create wildlife refuges and butterfly gardens.

I thought: how much altruism, how much creativity, is being lost / destroyed in this ridiculous oligarchy we have allowed ourselves to become?

I think what's driving it is the need of a certain privileged population, a minority, to feel superior. To pretend the system works just fine because it works more than fine for them. That "deserving" narrative writ large.

The only thing that's going to change this exactly what you said: we have to care about more than just ourselves, and we have to act on it. A lot of us do. But the cruel system we're functioning in is designed to work against that, to give us no room or space to focus on anything but our own survival.

There is another, better way. We can imagine it, together . . . we just better do it soon.



Daneryl Weber

Trying to be a better human, at the intersection of politics and spirituality